Child Health Surveillance

We provide a full child health surveillance service working alongside our local health visitors and school nurses. Routine examinations are done at 8 weeks and a health assessment is done at 8 months. You may contact any of the Health Visiting team for more information on 0191 2823319.

Family Planning

We offer a comprehensive family planning clinic throughout the week with one of our Practice Nurses or Nurse Practitioners who will be happy to help with what you need, it includes the following:

  • Provision of contraceptive methods; oral contraceptive pill/depo injection/contraceptive patch/nuvaring
  • Fitting of coils/implants
  • Pregnancy testing
  • Emergency Contraception
  • Counselling and referral for termination of pregnancy (Self-referrals can also be done via RVI Hospital 0191 2829300 and BPAS 08457304030 - for more information please visit their websites)
  • Advice regarding safer sex
  • STI screening including blood tests
  • We also offer a free condom service

Please remember for patients over the age of 16 years that emergency contraception is available over the counter at local pharmacies.

Alternatively you can attend the Newcastle Sexual Health Service - please ring 0800 500 3019 for appointments.

Also streetwise in Newcastle (website) offer contraception and sexual health services for 11 - 25yr olds

Cervical Smear

The practice in line with NHS guidance offers cervical screening to all women aged 25 - 49 every 3 years and all women aged 50 - 64 every 5 years. Smear tests can detect any early changes that may lead to cancer developing. Our practice can offer early morning and late evening appointments, our practice nurses and nurse practitioners are all highly trained in smear taking. Our practice uses single use equipment only, results are normally back within 3 weeks. For patients who would like to discuss the benefits of smear tests or chat about any concerns they may have should contact the surgery and ask for one of the nurse practitioners or practice nurses to ring them as they are more than happy to discuss via a phone call. Alternatively please look at this website re cervical screening.

Chronic Disease Clinics

As a practice we offer annual and interim reviews for patients with the following:

  • Coronary Heart Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Peripheral Vascular Disease
  • Stroke/TIA
  • Asthma
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
  • Chronic Kidney Disease
  • Hypertension
  • Atrial Fibrillation

We have nurses that are trained in these areas to give guidance and support including lifestyle/dietary changes and prevention of complications.

Our asthma/COPD nurses are able to change inhalers or increase doses when needed. All annual reviews are done in the month of a patient's birthday, but any problems in between this we actively encourage you to book an appointment to be seen.

Targeted Lung Health Checks

A new NHS lung health programme is being run across Newcastle and Gateshead.

If you are aged 55 to 74 and your GP has a record of you being a smoker or having ever smoked, your GP Practice will invite you by letter for your FREE NHS Lung Health Check before September 2023. For further information please visit: or watch this short video

Baby Clinic

Baby clinics for 6 week baby checks for your child
Saville Place: Thursday AM
Newbiggin Hall: Tuesdays PM

Baby immunisations clinic
Saville Place on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday - but we can accommodate on a Tuesday in general clinics also

Newbiggin Hall also hold clinics on a Monday and a Tuesday - but, like Saville Place, we can accommodate in general clinics on other days too.

Breast Screening

About 1 in 8 women in the UK are diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime. If it's detected early treatment is more successful and there is a good chance of recovery.

All women aged 50 to 70 and are registered with a GP are automatically invited for breast screening every 3 years. Some older and younger women are also being invited for breast screening as part of a study for screening in different age groups. Results are normally sent out to you after 2weeks of your appointment. It is always your choice whether or not you have breast screening - if you wish to discuss this with either a nurse or a GP please contact the surgery as they are more than happy to discuss with you via a phone call. Alternatively please look at this website re breast screening.

Practice Pharmacist Service

Daryl Thompson (MPharm)

Our clinical pharmacist is a highly qualified healthcare professional who has trained for many years to become an expert in medicines and how they work.

The pharmacist has the ongoing task of providing safe, effective, up to date and efficient prescribing for our patients.

Daryl in an independent prescriber working in the surgery 5 days a week. He is available to support you with;

  • Your medication review and better understanding of your medication
  • Medication side effects
  • Medication supply problems and alternatives
  • Medication changes following a stay in hospital or follow up in a specialist clinic
  • Managing your long term conditions
  • Acute and minor ailments

    He is available to review your medication and discuss specific problems or concerns about your medication and offers some face to face appointments, telephone consults, or can receive messages via reception.

    Seeing our pharmacist allows Saville to provide you with additional quality healthcare services that meets your needs.

    We are developing this service to better meet patient needs and will be adding a clinical pharmacist to the team in early 2019 to work under the supervision of the Senior Pharmacist and allow us to increase the number of clinics.

  • City Centre Surgery

    7 Saville Place, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8DQ

    Telephone 0191 2324274

    Surgery opening hours

    7:00am - 8:00pm Monday
    7:00am - 6:30pm Tuesday and Wednesday
    7:00am - 5:00pm Thursday
    7:00am - 6:30pm Friday
    Closed on Saturday and Sunday

    Phone lines open

    8:00am - 6:00pm Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri
    8:00 am -1:00pm Thu

    Newbiggin Hall Surgery

    Trevelyan Drive, Newbiggin Hall, Newcastle upon Tyne NE5 4BS

    Telephone 0191 2869240

    Surgery opening hours

    8:00am - 6:30pm - Monday
    7:00am - 8:00pm - Tuesday
    7:00am - 6:30pm - Wednesday
    8:00am - 1:00pm - Thursday
    8:00am - 6:30pm - Friday
    Closed on Saturday and Sunday

    Phone lines open

    8:00am - 6:00pm Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri
    8:00 am -1:00pm Thu